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Plant Swap

Here’s to all the plants I’ve loved and lost and left behind . . . .

Skyridge Farm is planning a Plant Swap. BAP/TAP: Bring a Plant/Take a Plant. This will include seeds. These items are preferably perennials, free of any pest or disease issues. The last of September to the middle of October is the best time in Oklahoma to dig up/divide established plants suitable for trade such as Canna, Iris, Daylily, Clematis, vines etc.

Here is a list of plants I have available. These are a beautiful collection of hardy herbs and shrubs I have in six inch pots ready to go. I also have a Scented Geranium collection and some beautiful plants that will overwinter in your house such as lemon verbena, sweet lavender. I’ll post some locations and times for swapping. Let me know what you are in search of ISO and what you have to offer. This should be fun (she said).

Artemesia Powis Castle, a very hardy drought tolerant sun tolerant insect repellent low growing feathery leaved fragrant soft shrub.

Copper Canyon marigold (tagetes lemonii) the best mosquito repellent soft shrub grows well in a pot or in the ground. Very fragrant, blooms tiny yellow blooms late summer early fall.

Lambs ears

Lantana, hardy camara pink and yellow blooming

Oregano, Greek

Thyme, Lemon and French

Savory, Winter vey hardy dark green color to leaves even in winter

Verbena, Almond grows into a 6ft understory bush, blooms are long and white in summer and smell like baby powder.

Leucantha sage, Mexican sage. Blooms long velvety purple flowers late summer early fall.

Not so hardy but winter keepers: I have bay laurel (small but healthy) , lemon verbena, scented geraniums Tuscan Blue rosemary. Lemon cypress. Lemongrass.

I will in a few weeks have a nice collection of mixed pansies, kale, cabbage and snapdragons for your fall gardens

I know gardeners who are offering rudebeckia seed, althea bushes, lilacs and more. I will list what comes in. Someone this week is bringing me iris and daylilies. I have moringa seed.

What I am in search of ISO: Canna, daylily, iris, clematis, hosta, heuchera, daffodil bulbs, hardy vines. I'll post weekly updates to include what is offered and what we are ISO!

After I’ve collected what I want for myself and a church property planting here in Chandler I will post excess availability for first come first serve.

Let me know as soon as you see something you want to claim. I’ll put your name on it and let you know it’s yours. I will pick a day and time and location to trade. But please private message me in the meantime! Here on Messenger or e mail me at

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