Its January 2021 a new year, a new blog, an old lady. The year 2020 was a rough one. Covid quarantines, ice storms Things slowed way down at Skyridge Farm. Then the strangest thing happened. I started to notice this old lady in my bathroom mirror. She was a mess, wrinkled and cranky. The good thing was I could only see her from the chin up. She was either really short or sitting down. I said, "Who are you anyway and what have you done with Monica?" But she mocks me. She says everything I say at the same time. She obviously learned that from my youngest son who does that to keep from answering his mother's questions. Like, "what did you do today? "What did YOU do today? "Do you want a cold tablet?" Do YOU want a cold tablet?" "Did you pay your rent?" And so on . . . Anyway she is pitiful. I try to help her with her ponytail and a little bit of mascara and finally I say, "I need coffee." Of course she does too. It happened when I decided to change my profile picture on Facebook because it was a few years outdated. I looked great in the old picture. Like Ellie Mae. So I leave Granny in there and head for the kitchen. I'm hoping she'll put the portrait back in the attic. Coffee fixes everything.
Even better is coffee with a cheese danish. Even better is coffee with a raspberry cheese danish. Check out my Food blog on how to make the most divine Raspberry cheese danishes. Then after two cups of coffee I'll head to the greenhouse to check on the pelargoniums. I have a collection of fifty varieties of scented geraniums that are thriving in a cool greenhouse. They are all my favorite one, one on one. Check out my Pelargonium blog for info on the Apricot scented geranium. My favorite one of course. We have already talked about the Apple scented geranium. My favorite one too. Then on to the seed starting table to start some new seeds. This is that time of year. Check out the Plants blog. Then I want to tell you about some fascinating people I know, some projects that I have started and intend to finish some day and PLANS I have. So check out my Projects blog and my People blog. And "sow" on and "sow" on.
This is so much fun! It's like being in the same room with you!